This one is for all the parents 🖐️ in the community.
If you are expecting to read about a super woo ritual, I have something different today. A ritual can be deeply meaningful and filled with intention, cheer, and magic, just by being present in the process and enjoying every moment.
This is one of those rituals.
Each year I sit down with the kiddos and we create a Back to School Memory Board!
It looks something a little bit like this 👇
I decided a long time ago, that a big part of my focus as a parent is to create moments to encourage my kiddos to develop their awareness about their minds, bodies, and needs. And this ritual is perfect for asking them about all the fun stuff like their favourite TV show, the foods they are currently loving and dreaming about what they want to be when they grow up!
Each year many of their answers are different, but a few constants remain.
Yet the exciting part for me as a mama, is to be able to capture a little snapshot in time of the person they once were and honour who they are becoming.
Get the template of the Back to School Memory Board as a gift from me to you!
I know many of you are mama’s whose littles are in grade school (and if not even bigger now) and I couldn’t not share this with you ✨
The Canva template is fully customizable for colours and you can also swap out any elements to make it even more personalized for your child. Although I don’t believe Canva has any Paw Patrol graphics … I hope it’s a blessing ;)
Click to button below and make a copy of your own Back to School Memory Board and customize it in Canva for your own little. It will lead you to a template you can use in your own Canva account.
The Ritual
Supplies Needed:
a way to measure your child’s height
your laptop
a copy of the Canva template
the name of their school
the date of their first day back to school
STEP 1: Create a pocket of time where you and your kiddos can get together and complete the Back to School Memory Board.
STEP 2: Start adding in the information on your Back to School Memory Board by asking the kiddos to answer questions and having fun changing colours and elements if you so desire. Let them have as much freedom and input based on their age and abilities.
STEP 3: Print a copy and add it to a frame if you desire to hang it up in their room until the following year.
STEP 4: Before hanging it up, I have the kiddos hold it on the first day of school for the “obligatory” pose they have to strike to make mommy’s soul happy ;). This one is ours from last year 🎒.
May you enjoy making memories and treasuring your littles!
I would love to see your pictures! Feel free to share in the comments or tag me on Instagram @anamariajanes on your first day of school photo!